Love Life

Life can be unfair at times.When you must maintain FAITH and never let go. It is especially during the difficult times,that you must LIVE YOUR LIFE to its fullest Potential.Those are the times to triumph over circumstances with hope and courage.

Life isn't Always Easy,But if you keep Going and Persevere to the very best of your ability,You will gain strength to manage the new challenges Ahead.

Each Goal that you reach is another important step Forward.
Believe that there are bright and wonderful days ahead for you and you will find them.

Is to listen to your heart.
In life,we have to make Decisions that aren't easy.We're afraid that whatever choice we make will upset someone we love..

It is at these times that we need to stop and listen to the voice inside us.if we listen just to the wishes of those around us and ignore our own feelings,we will not be truly happy.

Listen to what you know is right and stand by that,because when you do,you will be HAPPY.

PRAYER is the answer to every problem in puts us in tune with the divine wisdom which knows how to adjust everything perfectly.So often we do not pray in certain situations because our standpoint the outlook is hopeless.

But nothing is impossible with ALLAH.
Nothing is so entangled that it cannot be remedied.No human relation is too strained for Allah to bring about reconciliation and understanding.

No habit is so deeply rooted that it cannot be overcome.No one is so weak that they cannot be strong.No one is so ill that they cannot be healed.No mind is so dull that they cannot be made brilliant.

Whatever we need or desire,if we trust ALLAH,he will supply it.If anything is causing worry or anxiety,let bus stop rehearsing the difficulty and trust ALLAH for Healing.Love and Power.